Archive Mode. Call Holiday Art and Crafts Shop ended on 11/19/23, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Terms & Conditions

Holiday Art and Crafts Shop

  • IF SUBMITTED WORK IS ACCEPTED FOR EXHIBITION, the following terms will apply:
  • In Gallery sales = BDAC receives 35% commission for non-members, and 25% for members
  • Online Sales = BDAC receives 35% commission for non-members and 25% for members
  • A full contract with prices and responsibilities will be giving to you at drop off.
  • All artworks submitted for in gallery or online sale must be installation ready and as represented in submission. Artist is responsible for shipping/delivery costs. Artist is responsible for insurance for their artwork while at the BDAC, to cover any loss or damage.
  • REPRODUCTION IN PUBLICITY MATERIALS AND CATALOGUES: Blue Door Art Center has my permission, with attribution, and no other compensation, to publish in book and/or other formats, my images and art work information from this exhibition. All proceeds from potential sales of books are understood to be for the benefit of BDAC exhibitions and programs. Artist retains copyright to their original work.

Enter your terms and conditions for your site and submission process on this page.

This call has agreed to Terms & Conditions